Meeting of vice-presidents and international managers of medical sciences universities

The meeting of vice-presidents and international managers of medical sciences universities on the topic of internationalization of medical sciences universities

The meeting of vice-presidents and international managers of medical sciences universities on the topic of internationalization of medical sciences universities
16 May 2022 | 11:34 Code : 26308 news Slideshow
In this meeting, the following issues were discussed: 1- In order to reach scientific authority, we have to have international cooperation and communication. 2- The need to reach common literature between the international management of medical sciences universities and the international field of the Ministry of Health headquarters 3- Observance of considerations in international interactions may make the work a little more difficult, but it can prevent many side effects and problems. 4- A ceremonial actor is a trustee of a country, a system and a country's culture, which in diplomatic relations should consider things such as dressing manners, conducting negotiations, knowing the language, etc. in the form of work. 5- The international committee should try to improve the indicators of the health system quantitatively and qualitatively by using international capacities.
The meeting of vice-presidents and international managers of medical sciences universities on the topic of internationalization of medical sciences universities

It was brought up in the meeting of vice-presidents and international directors of medical sciences universities;

In order to deal with scientific authority, we have to have international cooperation and communication.

The meeting of vice-presidents and directors of international universities of medical sciences was held on the topic of internationalization of universities of medical sciences.

According to Vebada, in this meeting, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Niknam, Director General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Health stated: International interactions are among the priorities set by the Supreme Leader, the President and the Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education.

He added: In order to deal with scientific authority, we are forced to have international cooperation and communication. Dr. Nik Nam emphasized the importance of reaching a common literature between the international management of universities and the international field of the Ministry of Health and said: Observance of considerations in international interactions may make the work a little more difficult, but it can prevent the emergence of many margins and prevent problems

Later in this meeting, Dr. Mehdi Henardoost, Director General of Ceremonies of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explained the form and content of work in the field of trusting ceremonies of a country, a system and culture of a country, which in dealings and communications, offering capabilities and receiving requests. and obtaining the necessary information from the content works in the ceremonies.

Dr. Henardoost emphasized the coordination and coherence between the international management of universities and the international field of the headquarters, as well as the international field of the headquarters and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Then Dr. Ali Namaki, advisor and assistant to the minister for special affairs, discussed the most important responsibilities of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education in the new period and stated: The Policy Council of the Ministry of Health has various committees, one of which is the International Committee. who should try to improve the indicators of the health system quantitatively and qualitatively by using international capacities.

In the continuation of this meeting, three universities of medical sciences, Kerman, Isfahan and Tehran, expressed their international activities