International Affairs Office

Achieving white status is not unexpected

03 January 2021 | 08:53 Code : 14334 news Slideshow
The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Currently, the situation in the province is orange and we predict we will reach the yellow situation next week."
Achieving white status is not unexpected

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Currently, the situation in the province is orange and we predict we will reach the yellow situation next week."

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian in a video conference press added: Achieving yellow and white situations with the cooperation of people and officials is not far from reach at all, and by keeping health procedures and protocols, this disease can be controlled and managed. Pointing out that we should not allow the stable situation of today to be broken and our efforts is to be in vain, he said: "Currently, 50% of the capacity of hospital beds is empty and the situation is relatively stable in the province, but this epidemic has a direct relationship with people's behavior." With the slightest negligence, the virus attacks again.

tags: The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences Dr.seyed Mohammad Jamalian

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