Using consensus and research results in the Corona crisis

14 November 2020 | 11:14 Code : 13258 news
Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor said that the output of scientific conferences on the global crisis of Quid 19 can be a good solution for macro-policies.
Using consensus and research results in the Corona crisis

Using consensus and research results in the Corona crisis
Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Jamaliyan in the Covid 19 virtual national conference, achievements, threats and opportunities ahead, which is organized by Arak University of Medical Sciences and Islamic Azad University for 2 working days, added" Scholars of each country can offer solutions by presenting the results of their research and articles and extracting effective ideas in management of this disease at the macro level".
Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor further considered performance of China, South Korea and Japan in the management and control of this disease as appropriate and said" All these countries were able to control the disease well in the discussion of quarantine, laboratory facilities, travel ban, identification and quarantine of patients, closure of all crowds, of course, in Iran, there are oppressive sanctions and economic pressures in making ineffective decisions".
He completed the following" Despite all the problems and obstacles in the first peak of the disease, the guilds and all institutions were well prepared with Arak University of Medical Sciences and we were able to manage the disease well; but the existence of economic problems always causes many approvals not to be implemented or to be implemented with delay".
Dr. Jamaliyan clarified" The reactions of the Health system to deal with the corona epidemic in Iran are classified into seven areas including treatment and prevention, preparedness and support, crisis management, education, research management, communication and information management."
Regarding the role of education in all courses, he emphasized" Although the Corona crisis has controlled the pace of progress of many things, but due to the limited educational infrastructure and the existence of a number of problems, we were able to take good steps in the discussion of virtual education and by observing health protocols in medical schools and dormitories and prevent the spread of this disease in educational centers.
At the end, Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor, considering the widespread wave of corona outbreaks and conflicts between the young generation and said" We are in a very sensitive time because on the one hand the corona virus has become very aggressive and on the other hand due to the cold weather and the possibility of poor ventilation in closed places and the existence of economic problems, the number of patients is increasing day by day, so with appropriate results in scientific conferences and discussions can be appropriate solutions".